Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

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Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by Comet »

Asking $ you could get it for $2K

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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

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Oh, and by the way. This one IS a swb! :evil:
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by FORDification »

Oh you have any idea what my wife's reaction would be if I came home with ANOTHER truck??? Let's just say we probably wouldn't have having any more kids anytime soon! :eek:
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-O-----O- Keith
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by 72hiboy4x4 »

Oh you have any idea what my wife's reaction would be if I came home with ANOTHER truck??? Let's just say we probably wouldn't have having any more kids anytime soon!

hey Keith,
you really dont need more kids,,right?? not like needing a new truck!!

and just tell her its not a parts truck, its fodder for the continuation of this FINE website, and its webmaster.
can you say e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n-a-l m-a-t-e-r-i-a-l
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by DuckRyder »

Whats the story on this? Another one of those 67 only things?

My truck does not have this, and does not appear to ever had it?


:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by bluef250 »

Keith, Tell your wife that you need a truck to fix up for each of the children. Phil :lol:
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by jor »

My 67 gas those little hood bumpers.
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by 68F250 »

so does my '68
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by Drednme »

so does my 68, but my hinge is bent so mainly it serves as a catch to prevent opening my hood; hey, free anti-theft device!
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Re: re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by FORDification »

DuckRyder wrote:Whats the story on this? Another one of those 67 only things?

My truck does not have this, and does not appear to ever had it?
Hmmmm....that's interesting! I don't think I ever noticed that before. Both my '67s have that, but my '68 parts truck doesn't. I just went through my picture collection and noticed that I've parted out two other '68s, one WITH that hood support and one without...and I don't see any '69-up trucks with those hood supports, nor is the firewall equipped to use them. So evidentally some early '68s had this support and later '68s did not. Here's a graphic I just whipped up showing the area where they would mount. Both of these are '68 firewalls from trucks I've parted out. In the later one (on the right) you can see where the skin has the holes for the bolt holes, but they almost appear to have been welded over or filled with seam sealer. (Unfortunately, I no longer have this cab to check it out further.)

Image apparently somewhere between unit number D40846 and D59157 the factory ceased using this hood support.

Barry and Drednme: what are your consecutive unit numbers?
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by FORDification »

I take that '68 parts truck DOES have this hood support. It's unit number C16811.

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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by Drednme »

Mine is c85991 and has them, MMalms' 68 has them as well to and his number is C98952
68 F-250, 4x4, 360, 4spd; BMW R1200C; 1995 jeep cherokee XJ RHD
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by 68F250 »

C76980, built 1/17/68
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by FORDification »

OK, so Barry's and both of the trucks Drednme mentioned were manufactured before my '68 that does have them. What we need to try to find are '68s between D40846 and D59157 and see if we can narrow the cutoff number.

Very cool! I LOVE finding new things like this. :D
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-O-----O- Keith
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re: Oooohhh Keeeiiith...

Post by 68F250 »

Thinking out loud, I wonder if there's a relationship between those bumpers and the earlier (flimsier) hood hinges with the funny springs? :hmm: Do you have the hinges off the '68 that doesn't have the bumpers?
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