This is going to be a trivia contest. I'm going to post a picture of something, and you simply have to identify it. However, you can't be general in your identification...I need the specifics. For example, if I post a picture of an exhaust manifold, you can't simply say "It's an exhaust manifold." You have to name the engine it's used on, and if the part changed over the years, you also need to identify the correct years it was used. An incomplete answer will not be counted as correct.
The first person with the FULL correct answer will be declared the winner. However, since I'm no expert on all things Ford, if I'm incomplete or incorrect, then adjustments as to the winner will be made.
I haven't quite worked out how the contest will work yet...that is, how the 'winners' will be recognized. For now, it's just gonna be bragging rights, but I'll try to come up with something in the future as a prize or goal. For the time being, I'll keep a log posted here of the winners.
Sometimes identifying the contents of the picture will be easy, so it'll simply be a race to see who can post first. Other times it'll make you think. I might just occasionally do a really tight close-up shot of a larger item, to see if you can still make out what it is.
Each rules for each contest might vary a little...for example, if I think it might be an easy one, I'll limit each forum member to one guess per day until we get a correct answer.
EDITING OF POSTS IS NOT ALLOWED! This obviously is to prevent someone from editing his incorrect guess into a correct one. Unfortunately, I can't stop members from editing a post, but edited posts will be considered null and void.
Have fun!

#01 - kknip
#02 - fordman and hoss103
#03 - ezernut9mm
#04 - Sharkdance
#05 - rjewkes
#06 - ezernut9mm and 4x4x4crewcab
#07 - 430HP 360
#08 - FoMoCo
#09 - ICEMAN6166
#10 - widegauge
#11 - averagef250
#12 - fordman
#13 - ToughOldFord
#14 - fordman
#15 - Thunderfoot
#16 - JWW
#17 - rjewkes
#18 - fordman
#19 - basketcase0302 and fordman
#20 - Thunderfoot
#21 - mljjones67 and RedneckTexan
#22 - Wes
#23 - 71PA_Highboy
#24 - kaptnkaos
#25 - kaptnkaos
#26 - heep70