I agree. It seems like about the time you figure out what you like to do, it's time to think about retirement.Faithful Old Road Dog wrote: My college proffessor once told the class that each individual should find their own happy medium. Make enough money and still enjoy what they do. I would venture to say that most people will never find their "perfect" job.

My perfect job right now would be to make knives, work on my pick-up, and grow big healthy pigs

Nathanhasnoride ought to be able to follow his loves or dreams and marry that into a craft, and be able to make that into a paying career!
Case in point: My daughter's ex-boyfriend. He customized bicycles; he put flames on refrigerators; in college he (after getting requirements out of the way) put together courses that are setting the stage to his dream of his own Hot Rod Shop. He even built his own English Wheel.
The attachment is his '53 Kaiser. It started life as a 4-door sedan ! He fashioned a plexiglass windshield so he could take it to Bonneville Salt Flats to watch the speed runs. I got a feeling this kid is going to fullfill his dreams...