Well, the time has come for the account upgrades that I was hoping wouldn't have to come for a while. I was checking this evening, and the site is now using a total of 493 of the 508 MB alloted to me (which includes the actual site content, the forums and the Photo Galleries), so before adding anything more I'm gonna have to buy more server space from my host. Also, I'm alloted 40GB of bandwidth, and in February we came very close to reaching that limit, and with all the new members we've acquired lately, it's pretty much a given that unless the bandwidth limits are increased, the current limit will be exceeded before the end of the month. I talked to the boss last night (my wife) and was given the OK to make the account upgrades...but they come at a cost. The next step up is about triple what we're currently paying.
So, as much as I dread doing asking, if anyone out there would like to make throw a few bucks into the kitty to help out, it would sure be appreciated. The site isn't going anywhere...even if I pay for the whole thing out of my own pocket...but a few bucks here and there would sure come in handy.
If you want to help out with the hosting and bandwidth fees,