Some of my questions are:
If I find a 2 wheel drive, can I change it over to a 4 wheel drive without alot of troubles?
What size of engine would everybody put into it? (IE: I will be using it to 4X4 and hauling, and a daily driver)
Could a power stroke engin be put into a older truck like that?
Can somebody diret me in finding pictures of all the differnt styles that the 1972 crewcab came in? (IE: short bed, long bed, flare side and any other styles)
Did they even make a F250 1972 4X4 Crew Cab?
What other years of 4X4 Ford frames would fit under a 1972 Crew Cab?
If anybody can think of any information that I might be interested in please feel free to tell me.
Looking forward to becomeing long time friends and user here at FORDification!!!
Thanks for all you time and help!!