I finally got around today to measuring and comparing the frame thicknesses of an F100 and F250 frame, to verify what I've been told....that the F250 frames were made of heavier steel. Just with a visual comparison it did seem the F250 frame was thicker, but I wanted more accuracy. I used a standard micrometer and measured in three different spots on each frame: front, center and rear. I got the same measurements in each spot on each respective frame, so we know that the thickness remained constant from front to back. The frames I measured included a '68 F100 and a '67 F250. Both were cleaned well with a wire brush at all measuring points to ensure accurate and consistent readings.
...and the final verdict?
The F100 frame measured .171" thick and the F250 frame measured .200" thick....a .030 difference between the two. I did a search online for a chart to convert these measurements to 'gauge' readings, and the conversion charts I found showed that the F100 frame would be app. 7-gauge steel whereas the F250 would be app. 5-gauge steel. I checked these with several different online conversion charts and found them to be fairly consistent, though one site mentions
"Actual thickness will vary depending on the mill it was rolled at, batch number, etc."
So now you know.

I've added this little tidbit of info to the 'Did You Know' box at the top of each page.