Not a happy moment today. My truck suffered a near meltdown at the gas pump today while starting.
It seems that the starter shorted out and caused the cables to melt off the solonoid when I tried to start her up after filling up with gas. Scary moment to say the least!
I guess if I where to start from the beginning of my little tale of woe I would have to explain why I think it has to be the starter.
A few days ago when I turned the key my truck didnt start. It just clicked. That is unusual because while my truck may look old and ugly to most I am a nut about keeping it in top running order. Were talking about a truck that normaly starts right up every time with no more than two pumps of the accellerator and 4 revolutions of the crankshaft.
From day one, she has NEVER given me a problem starting.
So, when she didnt start right up, I automaticaly figured it was the batterey or the starter solonoid. Both were fine.
But I tested the battery (12.6V) and replaced the solonoid anyway. I figured for $7.99 why wait for a solonoid to fail before replacing it and the one that was still on the truck at the time was the one that came with it when I bought it. It wasnt new, but it was obviously newer than the factory one from 35 years ago.
Anyway, while I was at the parts store, I picked up new cables (All three of them) at the same time.
When I got back home and was installing all of the new parts I noticed that the stud that sticks out of the starter (the one that the cable goes to) was just a tad bit loose. No big deal I thought as I may have loosened the lock nut that keeps it tight in the starter case while I was taking off the old cable.
I just re-tightened it before I put the new cable on and lo and behold, my old girl was back to being her old self again. Startin right up like a charm.
All was well with the world again.

This morning I climb in to the cab as Im on my way to work and as usual, two pumps. A momentary turn of the key and the exhaust pipes rumble to life. I love the sound of my old truck in the quiet morning. How it cracks the silence with a gradualy quickening idle before the automatic choke warms up. And I sit for a few letting the engine warm up.
Then, one tap of the pedal and she settles down to an almost loping idle.
Im sure I always get a smile on my face as I drop the shifter into reverse and hear the idle change once more just as the drivetrain clinks into motion. Now Im off to work.
At lunch time, I go thru my daily ritual of clocking out and walking out to my truck, climbing in, and starting her up to take me to my choice of lunch treat that day. No problems, starts right up like always.
Except today hapens to be friday and I notice the gas guage is a little low so I go to the gas station first. Nothing unusual there. The dude there knows me cuz I get my gas thier all of the time. In fact, when he see,s my green and primer beast pull up he usualy already has the pump reset for me so I dont have to go in untill Im done pumping. Today was no acception.
I pump 12+ gallons of fuel, cap the tank. Go inside to pay and grab a cold drink on the way out. Hop into my truck, turn the key and she starts right up. Except now the starter is hung in the start position! Making an awful grinding noise!
I imediatly turn the key off and the truck shuts off.
Well, that was strange I thought, but I was still at the pump and didnt want to block the traffic while lifting the hood to check it out. I will just try the key one more time I thought. She will start right up Im sure. That must have been just a fluke.
Turn the key and ,, "click!" no start. - Again ,,, "click!" no start. Once more,, "click!" still no start.
What the devil is going on I think. Thats when I take my eyes off of the voltmeter and my left hand with the key in it to notice smoke now billowing from the right side of my grill. rolling out accross the front of the hood.
I bolt out the cab! Snatch the hood release and fling the hood open!
My eyes scan straight to the problem. There it is! The cable between the starter and the solonoid melting down before my eyes. I grab for the negative battery cable. Of course because its a brand new cable I had just tightend it and there was no removing it by hand at the moment. Especialy as it kept getting hotter and hotter by the second.
This is where I will offer some advice to anyone reading this post. Always keep a 1/2" wrench in your cab that you can reach easily.
I remembered that I had a couple of wrenches in my console that I hadnt put away yet so I dash back for the cab and grab them to remove the battery cable before my meltdown becomes even worse.
Well, its amasing how fast you can unbolt a battery cable when its frying in your hands and your heart is racing as you remember that your standing right next to a gas pump.
I got it off, pushed my now crippled girl back off the pump and walked back to work from there. Had to call a flat bed to take her home because I wasnt about the leave her there and didnt savy changing a starter, cables and who knows what else on an automatic 360 with headers in the parking lot of a gas station. Not a fun job.
I guess I should have change the starter before hand as well when I changed the solonoid and cables.
Or now that Im thinking about it. Maybe it could be the key switch causing all of this.
Ive even heard stories about older fords melting down due to low voltage of faulty grounds because the solonoid gets hung up. You think thats possible?
Anyway, Im sorry this has turned into such a long post. If you have taken the time to read thru it, then thank you.
Sometimes it just feels good to tell someone about a situation like this and think they might actualy be able to relate to it.
Thanks for listening.