Here's Hugh (my father), who helped me for hours today:
The chassis ready for the engine:
The pulley arrangement Hugh set up to drag the engine towards the truck. Even though we had plywood to roll on, the wheels weren't very friendly on the lift. And as you know, that T18+FE combo is very heavy.
Here I removed #50's new engine from its shipping pallet for the first time, which felt like flying a jet ten feet over the runway with no landing gear!
The engine hanging freely. An ominous weight suspended in mid air to say the least.
Trying to slide it in:
Finally couldn't get it in all the way, so Hugh came up with this idea to steady it until I can figure out how to deal with the clearance problem:
As it rests now, under a tarp. The T18 is resting on the crossmember and the front of the oil pan is on that sturdy board.
I started a tech thread in the Drivetrain section about the clearance issue I'm having; here it is: ... =4&t=41449