try a little reversal prior to q-day---pick up a couple of pack or can of the worst brand you can think of---then go double time on it for 24 hrs---i mean smoke out or chew out at twice or 3 times your daily rate---the point is to get sick & tired & sick to the point that for the first week it makes you nauseous to eve think of lighting or chewing---get some good multivitamins & gum or candy--then it's the will power to make the change and make it stick--and yeah the money aspect is a good reminder
good luck mon
"Sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here" — Jack Nicholson, As Good As it Gets
now serving #235
"the only way to believe in the American dream is to be asleep"--GC
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. - Benjamin Disraeli