hdpusher wrote:Also I am not trying to sound ignorant but they are crashes not accidents. The reason I say that is they happen for a reason. Driver error, vehicle failure, environmental, or roadway condition and as someone pointed out they can be prevented.
I will argue some of that with you, and agree on some of what you just said.
It's an accident because it was not a purpose. It was not planned.
It is always Driver Error. They were not paying attention.
If they had of been paying attention:
they would have known their tires were under-inflated or bald.
they would have cleaned their windshield.
they would have looked before changing lanes.
they would not have been driving faster than their vision or their brakes.
they would not have been talking on the phone or texting or shaving or doing their nails.
they would not have been driving faster than weather or road conditions allowed.
they would have known there was some problem with their car and not drove it.
We could increase the list ad infinitum. (yes that's spelled correctly)
In some cases, the driver did know of mechanical issues and chose to drive anyway. Again, Driver Error.
Granted, 99% of all accidents can be avoided. Most solutions will fall in the category of ... Most accidents fall in the category of driver selfishness. The best solution would be better driver education including high speed driving classes.