Does any one know a good place to by flat sheet metal and possible other shapes like mild steel square tubing for my other small projects? I need to find someone that will sell me the stuff in very small quantities and not be pis*ed off dealing with someone off the street. So any of you guys in Kansas City area, let me know of any place you have dealt with and had a good experience.
"Yard Built" 72 F100 LWB Custom - Currently: 360V8, C6
Future plans: T18 trans, Detroit Truetrac in rear differential
I dont know about Kansas City but in Richmond,VA the big scrap yard that other scrap yards bring there scrap to, They have a laydown yard that has metal for sale to the public and will cut what ever you want to buy to size for you. Im going next week and buying 2.5" sch.5 polished stainless steel tubeing for my exhaust.