This morning I finished up the drivers side frame mount, made a trip to Autozone and bought a new tensioner and a '94 Dodge 2500 tranny mount. Ended up just lowering the crossmember to the bottom of the frame under the tranny and drilled the mounting holes for the Dodge mount.
Then after some lunch (turkey sandwich and chips) I cleaned up a bit, and pulled the Synchrowave 351 out of the corner to Tig the stainless 3" exhaust downpipe together. Bandsawed the pipe, then used the belt sander to get the joints flush, fitted and welded together. A note on the 3" pipe, with the 2wd I don't think I would have been able to fit 4" between the frame and tranny. I will run 4" from the downpipe to the stacks and they'll probably be 4" stainless too.
I do have the downpipe wrap from a powerstroke and may end up wrapping the pipe to keep the underhood heat down.
Finally some really good news (other than I bought a new vise), the driveshaft looks like it'll fit without being modified. I do need to modify the carrier bearing mount to support the narrower Dodge part but that shouldn't be a big deal.
Needless to day, the cab has been hanging off the back of the tow truck all day and I need to finish the tranny lines before dropping it back in place. More to come.