Snopes isn't always right, and they have their agenda, but they're usually right. Soros seems to be controlling portions of the media right now, funding left-wing blogs, political action committees, and National Public Radio.
The bottom line is that these companies are doing very well right now, financially. Regardless of your politics, it's undeniable that since Obama was elected there has been a sustained increase in the sales of firearms and ammunition. It would be foolish to run any of these companies into the ground for political purposes when they're so profitable. And even if these companies WERE manipulated into self-destruction, new entrepreneurs in the United States would set up shop to make even better firearms and weapons, using a lot of the same talent and expertise.
FLATBEDFORD wrote:Not much scarier than one or two companies controlling news, healthcare, telecom, or the manufacture of voting machines.
Isn't Cerberus Capitol the company that ran Chrysler into the ground?
Oh but I differ - first - it's much easier for the gov't to shut down one company than many - second - if mass hysteria, or war, were to break out - I'd much rather be able to by ammo vs. watch the news, worry about healthcare, text somebody or vote.
Gun ownership is the backbone of this country that many want to see removed.