It is what it is. This great country will roll on with our ups and downs, but we will do fine. 4 years is but a blink of the eye.
May your sails stay full, and your knots not slip. Unless a slip knot.
Once I thought I was wrong, but I was wrong.
Life is a banquet, and every days a feast.
68 F-250 CS 390 C-6 P/S A/C front disc. 2nd owner.
2016 GMC Terrain Denali 301 HP V-6 AWD.
2009 Silverado Crew Cab, V-8, 4X4.
Mancar1, I disagree. We are currently $16 TRILLION in debt and projected $20+ TRILLION by the end of 2016. Over the next 40 years there is between $50 to $75 TRILLION (or more) of unfunded mandates (medicare, SS etc.). That is unsistainable. The US is in trouble and I don't know that Romney could of fixed it but one thing is for sure, The Marxist in the White House that we have for another 4 years does not want to or plan to try and fix it. Joseph Stalin once said "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold:
its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life.
If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." We are there.
Well think about the last few years with all three of these being attacked. Some are saying that it is only a border, it should be open so anyone can cross. Homosexual marriage, persuction of Christians, abortion, etc.
The US can and will fail if things are not changed and soon. I feel it is too late. The "Progressives" (ask what they are progressing to?) are in charge in 2/3 of the Executive and the Legislative branch of the government and I question the Judicial after Robert's ruling on Obamacare this last June.
We are the next Greece with no Germany to bail us out. There will be riots in the street when the sheeple can not get their freebies and American Idol, and it is coming soon. I encourage all of you to prepare for the coming tsnumai of debt, job losses and taxes. Call me insane I don't care but if you do not prepare then you only have yourself to blame.
Ask your self this if you don't believe me, when has Government EVER done anything efficently and on budget? When has big Government meant prosperity for a nation? And we are heading into an era of HUGE Government. We are officially screwed and our politicians on both side have done it to us. But what is worse is we voted the scum in continuously, so whom is to blame?