The first truck went pretty well in the end....few things I would do different on it so a few months ago I started scheming about a plan for a second truck.
Things I want in this truck.
Driver Quality, not as pretty and not afraid to drive it....anywhere.
Manual Transmission...I hate not having a manual. Autos are great and strong but so boring.
Lower ride height. This one will be a couple inches lower and on smaller diameter wheels, either 18's or 19's and will run 275's or bigger on all four corners.
Pretty much sums it up.
So the search was on for a 2wd short bed, mind you they are getting harder to find around here so this was harder than the first time around. Looked for a few months and my dad actually found the truck, behind his mechanics house. Picked it up for $500.00, literally drug it with all 4 tires locked up solid onto a trailer.
Here is the Gem!!! Aint she purdy.
So the teardown began last Thursday or so.....when I discovered the little fender bender was a little worse than we thought. The front framehorns have a little sway in them so it slowed the teardown progress a fair bit.
This is about 3 hours into the build..
Giving the LSX truck a little on screen glory..
Got the old girl to actually roll put two less old tires on the front and made it mobile for the first time in who knows how long. Its on the trailer headed to the frame shop.
So here is where we get very different from my last build.....its going to be ford powered. I truly wanted to do another LS build, but this truck is going to be a road race truck with potential for some sticky tires and all of the reading I did on the LS3 was horrible. It needed a dry sump setup in order to survive any kind of real road course events. I thought about LSA but the costs were more than I wanted to be in up front. So I started searching for coyote stuff. I stumbled on to this car down in Grants Pass a few days ago, made a deal with the owner and picked it up for less than a crate only has 22k on it and I should be able to use the engine, transmission, rearend, pedal assembly and hopefully the brake Master Cylinder.
Car is almost too nice to part out......oh nevermind =)
That brings us up to today. I should be able to get the truck back from the frame shop in the next week and get started on the real project.
Having a tough time getting my hands on a crown vic front clip....recommendations?
Should be a fun build.