Stumbled onto this REALLY well done early Bronco roadster at a local car show today, I know it's not one of our bumps and all, but honestly this thing was SO well executed and the cool factor is off the charts, especially in person, I figured my fellow Ford truck brothers would appreciate it!
pictures don't do it justice, it really has an impact when you are standing next to it. Interior is full custom but well done also, you just want to drive it the second you see it.
Oh well.... ummmmm...I didn't know what engine it had...but thanks to the article you posted now I do! I also found out from the article that he had this truck painted by the same guys that painted my '69 Honda Mini Trail Z50 restoration project, so that's cool!
I agree it does seem a shame to essentially toss out almost everything that makes these trucks desirable, especially when you could just get aftermarket fiberglass body parts and make a custom from scratch, but like I said, standing next to it, if he would have tossed me the keys I think I could have overlooked the Silveraydo powerplant and went for a short cruise in it!!
I did overhear him saying to somebody that it's being considered for another major magazine simply by popular demand, so we may see it in print again soon.
And FYI, this show is on old farmland behind a local bar and was unexpectedly flooded out, most of the show cars had to drive across muddy grass and standing water to get to higher ground to park their cars on, he was at one of the farther back lots so I give him a lot of credit for sloshing this lowrider around in the swampland, personally I would have skipped the show and come back next year...which in fact I did, left my 67 Ranger parked along highway 61 instead and walked the show...and let's just say my truck isnt exactly as far along as his is....but it is FORD powered still though!