Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

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Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by Jbott »

Just curious as to what you all find is the best hand cleaner or grease remover (from clothing)?

I usually wear gloves but often I forget. I've tried anything from the orange pumice cleaner to the dry no water cleaner and a bunch in between. So far the best I've found is strong concentrated dish soap. The kind that you use to wash dishes and you're only supposed to use a drop or two.

As for grease on clothes, I'm clueless. My wife does all the laundry, and she has tons of tricks. Just curious as to what you all use and what works the best.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by fastEdsel »

On my hands I use WD40 and Scott's blue shop towels. On my clothes I use a product called Lustre-Sheen. Just rub that on the soiled parts then wash in hot water. :thup: Follow the directions on the can and you will do fine. Yes the product comes in a blue can that you have to pry up the top but it works on hands and clothes. You probably don't want to wash in the same wash as the Queen Bee's stuff though, I'm assuming you have your own washer c/w Queen Bee. :D I also follow up the wash with a clean rinse cycle and sometimes I throw in an "Affresh" tablet to clean up the machine. :2cents:
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by 1972hiboy »

on my hands I like the sta-lube lanolin cream. we have a laundry service so i really have no idea what they use on the clothes.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by crazyhorse »

I use Dawn liquid dish detergent or Ajax liquid dish detergent with degreaser.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by two-bit »

Dish soap & scotch brite pad for hands and arms. I don't get the skin so i just remove a layer or two :lol:

1) As for clothes, powder soap from farm store and two agitator cycles. Wash, rinse out the "regular washer" when done.

2) Go to laundromat. Find washers designated for HD washing. Local laundromats around here have the "mine clothes" section, and then, everyone else.

3) Buy your own wringer washer, fill with garden hose, put in soap of choice, secure an old handle from a plunger, put in clothes, use plunger handle to push clothes down into freezing cold soapy water. Turn on agitator. Come back in 30 minutes. Turn off agitator. Drain water. (Don't worry , it won't kill the Hostas.....NOTHING kills Hostas !!!!) Engage wringer action. Squeeze the crap out of your clothes ie: wringing. Hang dry. They will not be soft, they may chafe a bit when you first put them on. (Especially the undies), However they will be CLEAN!!!!

Disclaimer.....Wringer washers have also been known EAT weaker fabrics. I mean shred stuff. So jeans without to many burn holes are prolly o.k., t-shirts are a gamble, be prepared to lose one. Socks with out holes, sweatshirts, work coats, rugs, and all shop rags. Have at it.

Think i'm nuts :eek:
you asked :lol:

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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by fijidad »

Don't forget Lava bar soap...does a great job. And I've found that the pre-moistened hand wipes...the kind that says "kills 99.9% of germs" also do a great job of removing grease from you hands. Dan
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by tsherry »

I use Simple Green in my parts washer and on my hands. For general degreasing, I use "409".
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by BobbyFord »

Orange pumice hand cleaner for hands.
Nothing beats powdered Tide for grease on clothes.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by DuckRyder »

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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by HIO Silver »

GoJo with lanolin
Fast Orange
Lava bar soap.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by Jbott »

This is an awesome thread with lots of great ideas! Thanks all!


My wife said that she doesn't mind washing the greasy stuff (she uses dawn to pre-treat the grease). It'll be a lot easier when I get my bump back as it's getting the engine rebuilt. A ton of the sludge/dirt and 44 years of grease will be removed, which will be awesome. I still have to clean/pressure was the undercarriage, but that's another thread lol

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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by flyboy2610 »

For my hands the best thing I have found is Ajax lemon scented dish detergent. I find lemon seems to work best, but you want to get some that has citrus oil in it. It's the citrus oil that really does a number on grease. :thup:

It also works pretty good rubbed into a grease spot on clothes, then washed on heavy setting.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by calipilot227 »

Borax powder with a few drops of Dawn dish soap, hot water. We've been using it in the shop for a few years, works better than the orange pumice soap.

Dawn works great for clothes too. Spot treat, and machine wash normally. Should take the grease right out.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by sargentrs »

I swear by GoJo in the bucket. Not the orange, gritty stuff. The original white creamy kind. Don't use any water until your done. Start with the first washing and wipe your hands off with paper towels. Then do it again, wiping off thoroughly with towels. Then a 3rd time and rinse off with water. Clothes? I never get 'em clean. Wash 'em like everything else so they don't smear off on anything. Use 'em a few months. When they get to where they smell up the garage or get too ripped up, throw 'em away and grab another old pair of clothes.
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Re: Best hand cleaner? Grease removal tips?

Post by Coolmee1 »

I use joe's works on hands and clothes both. It melts grease and grime without water or with water it just works.
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