mechanical / body help please

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mechanical / body help please

Post by Zorm »

Alright, got the old girl back drive-able, went for a quick test drive yesterday. :woohoo: I am happy with the new front suspension rebuild, the new explorer springs give her a nice, maybe 2" drop and ride smooth, KYBs help to. New aux gas tank and fuel lines working well, new brake system working well, 77 bench seat is nice good for now, thanks for all the help guys, :fr: I want to do more work on her but its got to wait, need to start on our haunted house.

Just one thing that is really bugging me, :x drivers door needs to be SLAMMED!!! in order to just kinda latch closed. I have tried to adjust the door (moving in/out up/down) with no real good fix. Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on how to get this door to shut? I do need to get the rubber door seal, right now, its not there, could that be one issue?
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Re: mechanical / body help please

Post by Ranchero50 »

Use a 3/4 12 pt socket to move the latch pin on the body out a little bit. I leave it snug at first and then lock it down after shutting the door a couple times.
'70 F-350 CS Cummins 6BT 10klb truck 64k mile Bahama Blue

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