LOL Y'all been havin' fun talkin' bout tailgates dar while I was gawn?
You mean a Ranger insignia like this.........
that I have on the other side of my truck that ya didn't see? And, yes there is one on the glove box. I would have taken a pic of it, but I sorta lost my truck keys, hopefully VERY TEMPORARILY, so I wasn't able to get in there and do that.
Take a look at this and tell me if this is something to be too concerned with.
This is the bottom of my duh you can see that huh.....and taking my thumb this is how much of a gap between the bed of the truck and the tailgate there is.
But, then at the top, as you can see in the photo below.......
there's a wider gap. Is this a major concern I need to worry about?
I think if I keep spasming out on trying to get this truck to look exactly as it did when it came off the factory floor, I am never gonna get it that way and it's wasted focus. Just for the simple fact, that there's no way to know for sure, because I wasn't there when they drove it out fresh out of the factory. So, I am going to take what's been suggested and just do what I long as whatever I do was the options for that particular truck at the time.
Going to work on cleaning the engine and spark plugs and replacing the distributor cap and air filter tomorrow. The project officially begins, guys. And, I am glad that there are other ladies here! When any of them decide to come here, I am going to love it. Now, off to continue the mad hunt for my truck keys...I am so bad at laying keys, lighters, and other things like that down.
Hope y'all had a great day today,