Boy someone put a ton of time and effort into that. It would surprise me if it worked very well. A 4 way split setup like that only works with perfect clear wood or ungodly pressure. By the looks of the ram and fittings on it I doubt that bugger's capable of more than 30 tons. I'd say you'd need about 100 HP for a reasonable cycle time with hydraulics capable of 150 tons of force to push a chunk of wet knotty softwood through that 4 way setup there.
I agree, but it looks like all that complexity and heavy steel plate is used to allow those two hydraulic rams on top to move the 4 way blade center up and down to center on the log. An effective log splitter could be made with 25% of the steel used to make that thing.
That has to be one of the finest examples of A-Team engineering I've ever seen! You'd be hard pressed to find an object with more character per square inch than that!!!
I doubt he uses it for a wood splitter though, I have seen several home made ones in junk yards and most use them for crushing rims and other parts.
cdeal28078 wrote:I doubt he uses it for a wood splitter though, I have seen several home made ones in junk yards and most use them for crushing rims and other parts.
cdeal28078 wrote:I doubt he uses it for a wood splitter though, I have seen several home made ones in junk yards and most use them for crushing rims and other parts.
This one is'nt used, it is in line for the torch.
That is a waste. Some good hydraulics on there.