About a year and a half ago I started a "simple" diesel conversion...so how come I am putting in carpet, bucket seats,new door latches..........and so on.
All the things I have wanted to do for 10 or 15 years plus a bunch of things that have come up while working . Beware before you start a "simple" project
no plan survives when reality, imagination and time meet If all goes well and I dont think of more things that need attention I may be driving her
in another 2 or 3 months
"Beauty is only skin deep....Ugly is to the bone"
It is more important to understand what you don't know than what you do know,because then you can start to learn..???
"you must deal with the attaboys and the ass chewing s with your head up and looking them in the eyes" T.J.E. aka My Dad
There are only three types of people wolves, sheepdogs, and sheep. What are you?