Slightly long insurance rant >:(

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Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by OldBlue67 »

I mentioned to a couple of you guys last night that the insurance guys were trying to total Blue for the very non-life threatening dent in the bed (stupid icy roads, stupid Taurus). They gave me a call today and said they did consider it a total loss (whatever :x ) They came up with a price of $1138 for the value (not too far off, I'd say), + sales tax, +tabs, + licensing, I'd get $1285. But since I made it very clear that they would be prying my title out of my cold dead hands (and the guy did agree that it looked totally drivable, yah ya think?? :x) they're subtracting the price they could have got sending him to scrap (shudders at the thought), which is about $200, from their total, sending me the check, and leaving my truck alone.

So all of this to say I'm keeping the truck and I get $1000 :D However they still considered it a total loss so I'll have to have the state check it out and say, why yes, that is a very non-life threatening dent in the bed you have there, carry on. :P At least that’s how the insurance guy tells it. I’m hoping that’s all I'll have to do.

Has anyone been in the same situation? The insurance guy said the state would be sending me a packet, but he really had no clue what was in it. Anybody know what I should be expecting? Is it going to be a huge PITA to get insurance on a truck that’s been “totaledâ€Â
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by BCOOLEY »

I would jew with them on the money a little more! The only thing you will waste is time and they will usually hit ya low to begin with!(so they have room to deal) Good luck!
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by hardtailjohn »

:yt: Show them that they picked on the wrong cowgirl!! I'm sure sick of insurance people..they think if it's more than a couple years old, it isn't any good... they just don't realize that things weren't built back then the way they are today!!!
Please, keep us posted on this... and if you need a "realistic" law enforcement official to look at it, I can maybe help you out there, as I still have some friends that are around Arlington and North, but are at least realistic.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by FoMoCo »

F!!! The insurance People!!! A bronco pulled out and hit Sarah's SC in the nose. The only damage was a bent up hood, and headlite reinforcement. Other than that the front bumper needed buffed. Body shops all said 3,500 to fix and that exceed the value of the car to them. Actual cash value of the car was 4,000. Long/Short. We have a rebuilt title over a bent hood, and insurance rates will rise if another claim is filled. Even though the other party's insurance paid out. F! State Farm!

Insurance cannot use "book-value" They must use actual cash value. This is what similar vehicles are currently selling for.

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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by tazzman68 »

Hey Liz, since you don't drive Old Blue that often, you oughtta put collector vehicle plates on it, then you can get full coverage insurance with full replacement value of the truck for around $300 a year. That is what my current rates are on both of my classic Ford's
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by DuckRyder »

Hey careful with that F-theinsurance guy stuff. :wink:

There's a good chance I might know a thing or two about this...

Show me a picture of the damage, and don't agree to anything yet.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by FoMoCo »

Regarding F-insurance people. We were drug throught the mud for several monthes by State Farm. After that they still claim they will raise our rates. On the flip side. We have great "run ins" with progressive. Sarah was rearended several years back and the other driver had progressive coverage. Progressive showed up on the spot a nd gave Sarah a "we're sorry" check the next day, witout having to sign or agree to anything.
Some insurance people have no compassion for the people involved. The insurance company wasnt there while she was crying after being told she would have to give her car to a junk yard*(over a bent up hood). I better stop, this raises my blood pressure.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by flyboy2610 »

My 91 Taurus got hit and it broke the side cornering light assy, put a small hole in the bmper and cracked the piece under the hood that the lights mount to. Insurance company called it a loss, but I said I could fix the car myself. He said "Yea, you probably could. But it's within 90% of value so the state insurance commission calls it a loss."
He figured up the value at $1400, said I could buy it from them for $200. So i got a check for $1400 minus the $200, and had to have it salvage titled.
As Pa Kettle used to sya in the old B&W movies "Gonna have to fix that one'a these days."
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by bluef250 »

One thing that really bothers me about insurance companies is once you started dealing, they never pay you for the time and effort to defend yourself against their rules or the time to find a replacement. Last year, we had home damage. The insurance looked at the estimates and wrote a check including other living expenses. No questions. Still was out all the hassles for the damage even though home is all fixed. I would not be to quick to sign over truck. Good replacements are hard to find. Good luck.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by Comet »

Liz, (to get back to your question) my guess is that you would need to take it to the State Patrol for one of their inspections. Probably some stupid fee involved there too (charge it back to the insurance co. for totally it in the first place :lol: ). Anyway, if I'm right, they will likely give the whole truck a once over. So make sure all the lights, horn, brakes and other safety equipment are in working order or they could deny you.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by Joe Kriston »

You didn't say whose insurance company was telling you this,yours,or the other guy's...It makes a difference....You're ins. co. is only obligated to fulfill the fine print part of their policy agreement with you...On the other hand,if it was the other guy's fault,and you did not want to hold a salvage title down the road,or you want the dent fixed correctly,you may have more leeway to fight the insurance company through a small claims court...You can negotiate with insurance companies,but it isn't always easy...

I'm wondering how much a salvage title would affect the value of a thirty-five year old vehicle....
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by Faithful Old Road Dog »

OldBlue- You should have claimed injury. Any accident where a vehicle is deemed "total loss" must have been pretty severe, right? I did notice your gimpy leg and kink in your neck. :lol:

My only concern is what the the state would say. Not being from your area, what Comet says makes sense about checking the safety equipment. Can you call that state office and ask them what they'll look for?

The dent really isn't that bad. Not that it's good either. I've seen lots worse and I know you have too. You really do have a great smooth sounding engine.
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re: Slightly long insurance rant >:(

Post by lobuck76 »

I've had a couple of vehicles with salvage titles (guess where I gottem!!). It never bothered me any. If it were a late model vehicle it would be an issue because it would kill your trade in value. On a 30 something year old truck not in mint condition I wouldn't worry about it. Ron
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