I'm thinking about making a life change, and was wondering if someone here had any contacts and could point me in the right direction.
I'd like to own a salvage yard, and work for myself. I'd like to find a yard owner who's retiring, but who wouldn't mind showing me the ropes and starting me out right. I'd work like the dickens, and always keep a few slots full of the old bumpsides as I could find 'em (and Pontiacs, and Internationals...

If anyone knows of a yard owner who'd like a Pimply-Faced Youth (well... 36 years old...) to take over the reins and run an honest, fair yard, I'd love to know about it. I'm targeting [in order] Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Utah.
I've only done a brief stint in Cali-forney, so I'm not gonna bring a bunch of Californey BS to the table [no offense to Californians, but, well... you know...]